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Centered Leadership Webinar Replay: Managing Workplace Stress

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At the Lumin Group we are on a mission to foster more human-centered workplaces. Environments where people can be their best and reach their full potential. We know our world of work has changed, and along with that so have our experience of stress and workplace stressors. We hosted a webinar to share our observations and to explore the science behind stress. We shared our approach to Centered Leadership and simple strategies to help you get “in range” and lead from a more centered place.

What you’ll gain from watching the webinar:

  • Insights into how stress affects your body, mind, and performance.

  • Simple, actionable techniques to manage and reduce stress.

  • Explanation of our Centered Leadership approach.

If you missed the webinar, want to listen again, or know someone who might find it valuable,

we’ve shared the recording below.

Webinar Video Summary


The video discusses workplace stress and the importance of recognizing, managing, and preventing it. The speakers are from Lumen Group, which focuses on creating human-centered workspaces to enhance engagement and productivity.

Workplace Stress Statistics

  • 80% of workers feel stressed on the job.

  • Nearly half of workers feel they need help managing stress.

  • 42% believe their co-workers also need help with stress management.

Causes of Workplace Stress

  • Common causes include lack of autonomy, flexibility, long hours, inadequate resources, lack of support, and recognition.

  • Challenges like technology changes, layoffs, and economic climate contribute to stress.

Understanding Stress

  • Stress is a natural response that can be beneficial in certain situations.

  • Chronic and unmanaged stress can have negative impacts on both the brain and body.

Signs and Symptoms of Stress

  • Physical cues may include headaches, digestive issues, or a racing heart.

  • Emotional indicators can include frustration, anxiety, or restlessness.

  • Behavioral signs may involve loss of focus, procrastination, or social withdrawal.

Acute vs. Chronic Stress

  • Acute stress is short-term and can be beneficial in preparing for specific tasks.

  • Chronic stress, if prolonged and unmanaged, can lead to burnout and decreased effectiveness.

Impact of Stress on Leadership

  • Stress can significantly impact leadership effectiveness and team dynamics.

  • Leaders need to be aware of how their behavior affects those they lead.

Centered Leadership Approach

  • Centered leadership focuses on accessing resources effectively while maintaining a balanced state.

  • Being centered allows for better communication, decision-making, and overall well-being.

Strategies for Managing Workplace Stress

  • Recognize stress cues and take intentional pauses.

  • Label your feelings to understand values being violated.

  • Practice breathing exercises like "stop breathe" to pause and shift focus.

Recommendations for Addressing Workplace Stress

  • Build awareness of stress levels and prioritize self-care.

  • Create a safe environment for open communication about stress concerns.

  • Use strategies like breathing exercises and intentional pauses to manage stress effectively.

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